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Kamis, 27 April 2023

Southwestern Ontario principal charged in luring case loses teaching licence - The London Free Press

A Southwestern Ontario principal swept up in a London police-led child pornography and luring investigation has lost his licence to teach in Ontario, according to the province’s regulatory body.

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A Southwestern Ontario principal swept up in a London police-led child pornography and luring investigation has lost his licence to teach in Ontario, according to the province’s regulatory body.

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Phillip Sallewsky, the former principal at Northlake Woods elementary school in Kitchener, was charged last month with more than a dozen offences following a joint investigation by police in London, Kitchener-Waterloo and Toronto.

Sallewsky’s licence with the Ontario College of Teachers is listed as “cancelled-resigned” effective this week, according to the professional regulator’s website.

“This indicates that the teacher has informed the college in writing that they wish to cease being a member of the college. The certificate is cancelled by the registrar. This person is no longer a member of the college and may not teach in publicly funded schools,” the regulator said.

The college’s update included a note listing the charges laid against Sallewsky, whose certificate to teach was first issued in 1992.

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The Ontario College of Teachers didn’t immediately respond Thursday to request for comment.

Police launched an investigation in February and found a suspect was communicating online with what he thought were teenage girls, sending sexually explicit messages and images, police said.

The suspect, using the names Sam and Chuck on Snapchat, a photo- and video-sharing mobile app, arranged to meet one girl in Burlington, where he was arrested on March 30, police said.

Sallewsky, 55, was released on an undertaking – a document that an accused signs agreeing to abide by certain conditions – instead of being held for a bail hearing.

He is prohibited from engaging in any activities involving anyone younger than 16 or going to schools, playgrounds, public pools, community centres or any place children could be present, according to court documents.

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Following Sallewsky’s arrest, the Waterloo Regional District school board said he was assigned “to home immediately” and barred from accessing board communication tools or attending school properties.

The website for Northlake Woods elementary school no longer lists Sallewsky as the principal.

A school board spokesperson declined comment when asked about Sallewsky’s employment status, citiing the ongoing criminal case before the courts.

“At this moment, we don’t have further comments other than our initial statement,” spokesperson Estefanía Brandenstein said in an email. 

Sallewsky is charged with five counts of luring a person younger than 16, two counts of invitation to sexual touching a person younger than 16, sexual assault, sexual interference, luring a person younger than 16 through telecommunication, three counts of transmitting sexually explicit material to a person younger than 16, luring a person younger than 18 by telecommunication, and single counts of possessing and distributing child porn.

He is scheduled to make his first court appearance in a London court on May 11.

Twitter: @DaleatLFPress

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    Southwestern Ontario principal charged in luring case loses teaching licence - The London Free Press
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